Customers Already Wanted Bigger Screens a Year Ago

A market study that has been carried out less than a year ago confirms that the majority of existing customers wanted bigger screens on their smartphones. The majority of those interviewed who already used a smartphone confirmed that they preferred screens that are between 4.2 to 4.7 inches. On the other hand, those interviewed who wanted to upgrade from a normal phone to a smartphone preferred 3.5 to 4 inch screens. The results of the survey shows that as one gets used to a certain screen size, he/she would prefer to upgrade to a screen size that is a bit larger.

If one were to repeat this survey today, one would expect that the majority of existing smartphone users would prefer to upgrade to smartphones which have 4.7 to 5 inch screens. Some would even prefer to go for 5 to 6 inch screen phablets. Though many appreciate the fact that it is not possible to handle such devices with one hand, many don’t see this as being too much of any issue, as long as they can easily carry such devices around. After all, six inch screen phablets still fit in most jeans’ pockets and women can easily carry them in their handbags. From my point of view, I think that a 5 inch screen phablet is just about the ideal size.

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