Samsung Experimenting with Bendable and Unbreakable Screens

As per my previous post The Samsung Galaxy Note III to Have an Eight-Core Processor, Samsung is looking at the possibility of using bendable screens in its next generation of smartphones and phablets. Having bendable screens allows phone manufactures to maximize all the space available on the phone itself, as it allows the screen to extend to the extreme edges of the phones using this technology.

Apart from that, the bent edges of the phone will also display text or graphics if looked at from the side. According to Samsung, these bendable screens, codenamed “Yorum”, are almost unbreakable. If the rumours are true, the first smartphone to use a Yorum screen will be a Windows phone.

Samsung’s bendable phones may incorporate a plastic substrate, a particular feature which makes them unbreakable. However, plastic substrates may also be incorporated in non-bendable screens. One of the major disadvantages of Samsung’s current flagship, the Galaxy S4 is that the screen is easily breakable. With the eventual introduction of plastic substrate screens, broken screens may be a thing of the past. Plastic screens are also expected to be thinner and lighter than glass based ones.

While there are other manufacturers who are experimenting with similar types of bendable and plastic screens, it looks like Samsung’s bendable and unbreakable screen technology research is at a more advanced stage. Thus companies like Apple might still a long way behind when it comes replica rolex air king to implementing any form or bendable or breakable type of screens.

However, one should point out the fact that Apple does not produce its own screens. Therefore, technically speaking, Apple might decide to purchase bendable and breakable screens from Samsung or other manufacturers. However, on the other hand, Samsung may not be interested in selling such screens to Apple, although at the end, there is a price for everything.

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